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Photos of the Incredible Chand Baori Well, India

Chand Baori is a famous stepwell situated in the village Abhaneri, a small town village located at a distance of 95 KMs from Jaipur, on Jaipur-Agra road in Rajasthan, India. This step well was built in 10th century.

It is located opposite Harshat Mata Temple and is one of the deepest and largest step wells in India. It was built in 9th century and has 3500 narrow steps and 13 stories and is 100 feet deep.

Some photos of Chand Baori amazing site

Chand Baori Incredible Step Well
Front view

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Chand Baori Incredible Step Well
Deep steps inside the well
Chand Baori Incredible Step Well
Side view
A deep look
A deep look
A clean view
A clean look
Chand Baori Incredible Step Well
Top view
Chand Baori Incredible Step Well
Another top
Chand Baori Incredible Step Well
Tourist at spot
Chand Baori Incredible Step Well
Few more tourists
Chand Baori Incredible Step Well
Chand Baori Incredible Step Well
Restoration work
Chand Baori Incredible Step Well
Restored steps
Amazing look
Amazing view of steps
Chand Baori Incredible Step Well
Polluted water
Chand Baori Incredible Step Well
The Fall
The Fall

Its also heard that movie The Fall filmed at this location, last photo is captured from movie site.

More information is available at the following links.


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