Browser Google IT Articles Search Engine SEO Vulnerabilities -A Free Page Rank Checking Tool

Page Rank is one of the many criteria webmasters use to assess popularity and worth of any website. There are many tools available on the web to measure Page Rank like Google Toolbar, one of the popular browser addon also accompanying with Page Rank tool. But here arises some problems:

  • You have to install this toolbar before using Page Rank tool and it is not a great idea to install a software for using just one feature if you do not want to use all features;
  • You have to install this toolbar to every browser on every computer you have. What if you want to use Google Chrome, a Google browser, there is no such addon available for this and some browsers;
  • Google toolbar has some privacy issues too;

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So, what will we do now to check the Page Rank? The answer is to use an online tool (or website) that does not require any installation. Just type the address in to your favorite browser and start checking the Page Rank of any website.

CheckPageRank is one of the great website that allow webmasters to check Page Rank of any given URL. Its free, fast, comprehensive and provide true results. It also lists some other details regarding given URL like validity of Page Rank, search results and number of indexed pages in different search engins, backlinks, Alexa traffic rank, major Directory listing, Domain age & history.

Click here to see the Page Rank and other details of my blog.

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6 replies on “ -A Free Page Rank Checking Tool”

Hi, Nice post. The tool website also lists a lot of details. Not bad~Thumbsup. My site got a valid PR2..cheers

Thank you for sharing your thought.

If you go through my post I have stated few reasons. If you are in corporate environment where you do not have any rights to install software, what will you do? The online tools, like this, are really handy in such cases.

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